
George Zimmerman is not the best advocate for the defense of the right to bear arms in America. Mr. Zimmerman overreacted during the incident that led to the death of Trayvon Martin. To demonstrate good will and a sense of fairness, loyal defenders of the 2nd Amendment can help ask George Zimmerman to voluntarily surrender his guns to honor the life he has taken. This position would not impact the gun control debate in any way. Instead it would help demonstrate that we are all Americans and that only qualified, rational thinking Americans need to carry a weapon. Even if you have a right to carry a gun in America you can voluntarily choose not to! We would like to remind you that Mr. Zimmerman carried a gun with a chambered round and the safety off while walking around a quiet neighborhood. Any gun owner knows that this is an unsafe practice. A holstered weapon should never have the safety off and a bullet in the chamber. Please sign our petition asking George Zimmerman to voluntarily surrender his guns to honor the death of Trayvon Martin. Please go to and forward this message to everyone you know. George Zimmerman should not own a gun!
